Словарь / Дибромтетрафторэтан
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Дибромтетрафторэтан (@1656)
Dibromotetrafluoroethane [Анг.]

Dibromotetrafluoroethane – A chemical also know as Halon-2402 which has the chemical formula C2F4Br2. It is a known ozone depleting chemical and is listed as a Class I ozone depleting chemical in the United States Clean Air Act amendments of 1990. It is commonly used as a fire extinguishing agent. The reason it has so much ozone depleting potential is because it contains bromine, which has many times the ozone depleting potential of chlorine.
[Biochemical Pharmacology; v22; p2843-2851; 1973]
[Science; V272; 1763-1768; 1996]
Atmospheric Chemistry Glossary

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