Словарь / Муравьиная кислота
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Муравьиная кислота (@1687)
Formic Acid [Анг.]

Formic Acid - CH2O2, A weak acid that photolytically reacts in the atmosphere forming COOH radical and H radical. This compound often reacts with the hydroxyl radical and atomic oxygen to form formic acid and a hydroperoxy radical. This is a sink for the hydroxyl radical and it also helps drive other reactions with the addition of hydroperoxy radicals to the atmosphere.
[Graedel and Crutzen, Atmospheric Change An Earth System Perspective. 1993. Pgs. 121,158]
Atmospheric Chemistry Glossary

Тип: Объект
Относится к разделам:
/ Вещество / Молекулы
/ Физика / Оптика / Спектроскопия / Молекулярная спектроскопия