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Кислота гумусовая (@1705)
Humic Matter [Анг.]

Humic Matter - is part of humus, and is a mixture of amorphous, polydispersed colloidal, yellow to brown-black organic substances. They are hydrophyllic, and high in molecular weights, which range from a few hundreds to thousands of daltons. They have originated from the decomposed, non-humic, organic fraction by "new formation," called humification.
[Tan, Kim H. Humic matter in soil and the environment. Principles and controversies; 2003; Marcel Dekker.]
Atmospheric Chemistry Glossary

Тип: Объект
Относится к разделам:
/ Вещество / Молекулы
/ Физика / Оптика / Спектроскопия / Молекулярная спектроскопия