Словарь / ДДТ
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ДДТ (@1653)
DDT, Para-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane [Анг.]

DDT - Para-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane was commonly used during the second World War. It was used to kill mosquitoes that carried malaria and yellow fever and it was also used to kill body lice that can transmit typhus. Many problems have been associated with the use of DDT. Some of these problems are the bioaccumulation in the food chain, decline of smaller animals, and softening of birdsн eggs. In 1973, the EPA banned all use except those essential to public health. DDT is still being used extinsively in developing countries.
[Accountant's Journal; 72(11); p.54-57; 1993.] 
Atmospheric Chemistry Glossary

Тип: Объект
Относится к разделам:
/ Вещество / Молекулы
/ Физика / Оптика / Спектроскопия / Молекулярная спектроскопия