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Selection Rules

version 0.1

Class   Notation Process Restrictions (Selection Rules) (States) Selection Rules (Transitions)  Selection Rules (MathML)
  Diatomic closed shell  dcs          
  Hund’s case (a) diatomics  hunda          
  Hund’s case (b) diatomics  hundb          
Closed-shell, linear triatomic molecules
 ltcs ltcs_Notation_Dinf_h_Normal_Modes Absorption

1.  l2 = v2
2. Jl2
3. if l2 =0,  then ε = e.
(ε = ltcs:kronigParity)


Permitted transitions

  1. ΔJ = 0 | -1 | +1
  2. if ΔJ = 0,  then ltcs:kronigParity has to be changed  (e←f,   f←e)
  3. if ΔJ  =/= 0,  then  ltcs:kronigParity has not to be changed  (e←e   f← f)
  4. if  l2' = l2 " = 0, then independently at J - Q - branch is prohibited. 
  5. thansition permitted if  Δv2 Δv3 = 2n+1, n=0,1,2,3, .... ( Δvi = |vi' - vi"| )

Prohibited transitions

     [ (-1)v3+v2 =1 и  ε(-1)J=-1]   или  [ (-1)v3+v2 =-1 и  ε(-1)J=1]

here ε=1 in case of ltcs:kronigParity=e and ε=-1 in case of ltcs:kronigParity=f.

ltcs_Notation_Cinf_v_Normal_Modes Absorption

1.  l2 = v2
2. Jl2
3. if l2 =0,  then ε = e.
(ε = ltcs:kronigParity)

Permitted transitions
  1. ΔJ = 0 | -1 | +1
  2. if ΔJ = 0,  then ltcs:kronigParity has to be changed  (e←f,   f←e)
  3. if ΔJ  =/= 0,  then  ltcs:kronigParity has not to be changed  (e←e   f←f)
  4. if  l2' = l2 " = 0, then independently at J - Q - branch is prohibited. 
  5. thansition permitted if  Δv2 Δv3 = 2n+1, n=0,1,2,3, .... ( Δvi = |vi' - vi"| )
ltcs_Notation_Dinf_h_CDSD       Absorption

Prohibited states
(m(-1)J=-1 и (-1)P=1) or (m(-1)J=1 и (-1)P=-1),
where m=1 for ltcs:kronigParity=e and m=-1 for  ltcs:kronigParity=f .

Permitted transitions

  1. ΔJ = 0 | -1 | +1
  2. if ΔJ = 0,  then ltcs:kronigParity has to be changed  (e  ←  f,   f ← e)
  3. if ΔJ  =/= 0,  then  ltcs:kronigParity has not to be changed  (e  ← e   f ← f)
  4. ΔP=P '' - P ' = 2n+1, n=0,1,2,... (P=ltcs_notation:P)
ltcs_Notation_Cinf_v_CDSD      Absorption       

Prohibited states
(m(-1)J=-1 и (-1)P=1) or (m(-1)J=1 и (-1)P=-1),
where m=1 for ltcs:kronigParity=e and m=-1 for  ltcs:kronigParity=f .

Permitted transitions

  1. ΔJ = 0 | -1 | +1
  2. if ΔJ = 0,  then ltcs:kronigParity has to be changed  (e  ←  f,   f ← e)
  3. if ΔJ  =/= 0,  then  ltcs:kronigParity has not to be changed  (e  ← e   f ← f)
 Closed-shell, non-linear triatomic molecules
nltcs_Notation_C2v_Normal_Modes Absorption      
nltcs_Notation_Cs_Normal_Modes   Absorption      
nltcs_Notation_C2v_BT2 Absorption      
nltcs_Notation_Cs_VTT Absorption      
  Closed-shell, symmetric top molecules   stcs          
  Closed-shell, linear, polyatomic molecules   lpcs          
  Closed-shell, asymmetric top molecules   asymcs          
  Open-shell, asymmetric top molecules   asymos          
  Closed-shell, spherical top molecules   sphcs          
  Open-shell, spherical top molecules   sphos          
  Open-shell, linear triatomic molecules   ltos          
  Open-shell, linear, polyatomic molecules   lpos          
  Open-shell, non-linear triatomic molecules   nltos          


Грант INTAS 00-189