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MISR Data Sets
MISR Data Sets [Анг.]
URL: http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/PRODOCS/misr/table_misr.html

nbsp;The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) was successfully launched into sun-synchronous polar orbit aboard Terra, NASA's first Earth Observing System (EOS) spacecraft, on December 18, 1999. MISR measurements are designed to improve our understanding of the Earth's environment and climate.

Viewing the sunlit Earth simultaneously at nine widely-spaced angles, MISR provides radiometrically and geometrically calibrated images in four spectral bands at each of the angles. Spatial sampling of 275 and 1100 meters is provided on a global basis. The MISR FAQ has more details about the MISR instrument. The MISR instrument orbits the Earth about 15 times each day. There are 233 distinct orbits which are repeated every 16 days. These 233 repeating orbits are called paths, and since the paths overlap, near global coverage is obtained in 9 days. The MISR data products are available in HDF-EOS format.

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